All Jobs Pro helps you attract talented people
Lean how our Applicant Tracking System supports busy managers in identifying & onboarding them

Automatic Interview Booking tool
Our highly acclaimed Automatic Interview Booking tool saves you time and makes life easy for candidates, a real win-win!

Harness the Power of LinkedIn with Job Wrapping and Job Slots
Learn how All Jobs Pro supports LinkedIn's Job Wrapping service, a feature designed to amplify the visibility of your job postings on the world’s largest professional network.

Customising your application form to ask job specific questions
All Jobs Pro application forms can include job specific questions that relate to the role you are recruiting for - making it easy to surface candidates with the best fit

All Jobs Pro's new Indeed Sponsored Jobs integration increases job advert visibility and candidate applications
Our Indeed Sponsored Jobs integration means you can easily promote your jobs to over 250M visitors on Indeed using All Jobs Pro

Displaying your jobs on Google Jobs
Google Jobs has launched in the UK - here's a quick overview showing how your vacancies can be displayed on Google's new job seeking platform.

Recruitment One-on-Ones
Recruitment 1 to 1 meetings are a valuable aspect of All Jobs Pro's service. A quick regular call between you and your recruiting success manager is recommended to check how your job adverts are performing and to ensure no candidate gets missed and all roles are filled quickly and efficiently.

Talent Pool - granting access only to those that need it for GDPR
Respecting candidate's privacy is always important. All Jobs Pro makes it easy to ensure you comply with GDPR with your talent pool.

Ensure all your open positions are being actively managed with the Vacancy Report tool
When you have multiple open vacancies it can be hard to keep track. All Jobs Pro's Vacancy Report does all the heavy lifting for you.

Monitoring equality and diversity
All Jobs Pro helps with your Equal Opportunities Monitoring by asking each candidate to anonymously complete an optional short form.

Suggesting a candidate for a different role
If you consider a candidate would be better suited to a different role within your organisation than the one they originally applied for, "suggest" them for another role and the ATS helps everyone keep track.

Measure your recruitment advertising on any job board
You can measure your recruitment advertising on any job board (even those not currently integrated with the All Jobs Pro ATS) by using Tracking Links. This article shows you how to generate a Tracking Link.

Talent pool - highlighting candidates
Highlighting candidates in your talent pool helps you, or your colleagues, find talented people that have previously applied to your organisation

Use quick search to easily find your job adverts or candidates
How to quickly find your recruitment advertisements or search for a specific candidate by name.

Personnel forms - how to ask candidates to complete them
Save back and forth with candidates by using the Information Requests module. All Jobs Pro will email the candidate requesting the information you need (chasing them up automatically if needed), candidates info is entered via your Careers Microsite and stored in accordance with GDPR alongside their record in the ATS. Easily keep track of who has / has not supplied their information with reports, saving you time keeping everything organised.

How to View CVs, Score Candidates & Shortlist
How to View CVs, Score Candidates & Shortlist

Controlling permissions for your hiring team
All Jobs Pro's Permissions Tools enable HR Managers to control which of your colleagues can, and can not, access your candidate data and makes it easy to assign responsibilities to different members of your hiring teams.

Easier interview slot creation
It's now even easier to create multiple interview slots for candidates to book into.

Promote your jobs on a variety of job boards
When you add your job it is automatically publishing on a variety of websites included in your package - you can also cross-promote your jobs to additional jobs boards

Internal only applicants / apply by invite
If you need to restrict a vacancy to Internal Applicants Only you can do this with a Hidden Advert.

Reports and analytics
All Jobs Pro's reports help you measure and refine your recruitment process. Discover the sources of your best candidates, measure your hiring speed over time and monitor activity reports to help your team improve.

Product updates overview
We're always making updates and improvements - you'll find a quick overview of these here