Reports and analytics

All Jobs Pro's reports help you measure and refine your recruitment process. Discover the sources of your best candidates, measure your hiring speed over time and monitor activity reports to help your team improve.


Where do my best candidates come from?

Where are the best places to advertise your vacancies? The 'source of hire' and 'source of application' reports identify where your quality candidates and hires come from - be that from job boards, agencies, or on your own website / the branded job alert emails All Jobs Pro send for you.

The source report metrics enable you to optimise your recruitment advertising budget. To run a report:

1. Click on Admin

2. Click on Reports

recruitment analytics and reports buttons

3. Select "Source report: Hires"  or "Source report: Applications" from the menu, you can also drill down by department if desired.


4. Choose your desired date range and your report will be generated

graph showing source of candidate report


Make the best hires and take control of your employer brand with our easy to use Applicant Tracking System ask us to contact you for a quick demo